Weight training in a fitness studio on a REGUPOL sports floor.

REGUPOL soundproofing and vibration isolation

For gyms and sports applications

REGUPOL sonusfit

For fitness studios

Tested under realistic conditions and approved by building authorities all system components of our REGUPOL sonusfit range can be used in many different build-ups to provide an excellent reduction of structure-borne noise in various areas of gyms and sports facilities. Together with the REGUPOL everroll range, outstanding sports functionality is also guaranteed.

Fitness studio system floor rendering with REGUPOL sonusfit.
Fitness studio system floor rendering with REGUPOL sonusfit.

REGUPOL sonusfit – making gyms quiet

REGUPOL sonusfit t 110
∆LAF,max 22 dB (45mm) and ∆LAF,max 30 dB (70 mm)

REGUPOL sonusfit t 110

The 45 or 70 mm thick gym floor combines high acoustic efficiency with fast installation.

REGUPOL sonusfit m 513
∆LAF,max 25 dB (58mm) and ∆LAF,max 36 dB (83mm).

REGUPOL sonusfit m 513

The 58 mm to 83 mm thick gym system floor combines high acoustic efficiency with low installation height.

REGUPOL sonusfit m 515
∆LAF,max 42 dB

REGUPOL sonusfit m 515

The 90 mm thick gym system floor is the technically most effective variant of the sonusfit m-series.

REGUPOL sonusfit m 517
∆LAF,max 24 dB

REGUPOL sonusfit m 517

The 50 mm thick gym system floor combines high acoustic efficiency with low installation height.

REGUPOL sonusfit m 519
∆LAF,max 36 dB

REGUPOL sonusfit m 519

The 95 mm thick gym system floor presents a cost-effective option with high acoustic performance.

REGUPOL sonusfit c-series

The gym system floor allows planning freedom and offers customized solutions.

How do we achieve high customer satisfaction with our Regupol sonusfit products?

Strip decoupling with REGUFOAM vibration at the RhönFit Therapy Centre in Dermbach.

Adrian Kasparek - REGUPOL Sports Flooring

„The key to our success is active involvement of the customer. This ensures that customer requests are addressed and a solution tailored to the customer can be installed.“

Interior view of the RhönFit therapy centre in Dermbach with various fitness equipment on a REGUPOL gym floor.

Andreas Bertsch - Owner RhönFit

„The floor is awesome, it was exactly the right decision. We hear absolutely nothing in the therapy rooms, the gym has turned out perfectly. Our membership has already doubled in 8 weeks and everyone is thrilled. Many thanks to the REGUPOL team for the good advice and support.“

Training room with REGUPOL sports flooring in the Rhönfit therapy centre.

Maximilian Schroeder - REGUPOL Acoustics

„Of course, we like to hear such words from the customer. With our REGUPOL sonusfit solution, there is no need to cut back on therapies and treatments on the first floor or training on the upper floor.“

REGUPOL sonusfit range

The REGUPOL sonusfit range has been developed to achieve a maximum of structure-borne noise reduction while fulfilling the high requirements of sports functionality in both refurbished and newly built fitness studios, especially in a mixed-use context. The perfect combination of elastomers with different shock-absorbing properties guarantee an effective insulation.
The synergies resulting from the use of the REGUPOL sonusfit Range in combination with REGUPOL everroll arise not only from our great experience in vibration engineering but also from our vast expertise in the field of floor surfaces for fitness and sports applications.

The REGUPOL sonusfit range has been acoustically tested and adapted accordingly to the different loads that occur in gyms. Hence, the portfolio can provide the right concept for all different areas, from cost-effective standard products for lower loads right up to customized special solutions, tailored to the specific training and noise protection requirements. No matter if it is the cardio section, the freeweight area or a Crossfit Box, REGUPOL sonusfit is the right solution to reduce sound and vibration transmission effectively.

Made In Germany
cradle to cradle bronze
TÜV Rheinland ISO 9001
Logo Green Circle Certification
US Green Building Council Member