Woman and child lying on a wooden floor in the flat

Panelized Floating Floor System

REGUPOl soundpanel

REGUPOL Soundpanel

Panelized Floating Floor System

REGUPOL soundpanel is a panelized free-floating subfloor system designed to absorb airborne sound and dissipate structure-borne vibration. Each factory assembled 4’ x 4’ soundpanel consists of a high quality OSB panel, fiberglass batting, and nine REGUPOL soundpad rubber bearings. REGUPOL soundpanel can be used in combination with a floating concrete topping, hardwood, tile, vinyl flooring, and many other assemblies.

REGUPOL soundpanel x4

Each factory assembled 4’ x 4’ REGUPOL soundpanel x4 consists of a high quality OSB panel, fiberglass batting, and nine REGUPOL soundpad x4 rubber…

REGUPOL soundpanel x9

Each factory assembled 4’ x 4’ REGUPOL soundpanel x9 consists of a high quality OSB panel, fiberglass batting, and nine REGUPOL soundpad x9 rubber…
